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some thoughts on david lynch

david lynch died today, or at least today is when the news says so. i wrote for a while in my journal just now and wanted to share. isn't it so weird that we can never fully express how art moves us or tell the artist thank you in any kind of way that feels right or accurate, if we are able to thank them at all??? i think you all know that twin peaks is very close to me, but i need to believe that it isn't just love of whimsy that i like about it, and that other people like about it, and it's not – it's something endlessly fascinating, captivating, compelling, moving, strange, unknowable but perceived and felt, in all these nameable or alternatively indescribable ways, to my brain and being that lives in and beyond that artwork and others by this man. maybe i will write more about twin peaks or david lynch's works later. it's really hard to articulate and summarize your feelings about a topic, idea, artwork, place, moment, activity, relationship that has moved o...

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