

created for the wheeling cacophony orchestra: the spring issue, april 2024

blogging has taken a backseat to life recently. this phenomenon has been exacerbated by.....many things i suspect but they include: travel to virginia for my dear sister's college graduation, a nearly weeklong visit from a very dear friend whose name starts with c (hah you can't tell who cause everyone i know has a name that starts with c), the completion of some online contract work for a dear collaborator, and finally a very busy weekend of back-and-forthing to burlington and to several old timey folk dances and and and!

(in how to do nothing, jenny odell at one point describes another writer's sentences as "breathless." i suspect and fear that this is the manner of writing that comes most naturally to me. i am not pausing and not pausing and not pausing for so long and then i will pause and then i will, likely, resume??)

what ensues is a brief list of slightly less brief lists.....

some relevant musicians for everyone's consideration

   - mapache

   - alice phoebe lou

   - fernando milagros

   - the moon shells

some relevant early summer?????! / late spring wildlife sightings

   - indian paintbrush / prairie fire

   - yarrow

   - goslings

   - columbine

   - veronica speedwell / cat's eyes

   - a skunk, whilst walking back to my cabin at 11pm (he sprayed my legs but the smell DID wash out in the rain)

some relevant matters

   - i got new tires recently because my old ones were so worn down one of them got punctured by a rather teeny (but sharp!!) piece of gravel, and corbin helped me change the tire, thank u 

   - SO many people live around me now. it's a crazy quantity of staff. now when i go about outside, i see people playing soccer, hear people talking down by the lake, see copious quantities of leftovers in the staff fridges. hear laughings and whisperings and several showers in the bathhouse on at once. it is SUCH a change from the early wintery lonely month of april. which was really only those first three weeks or so. but what a CHANGE.

and finally, an update on the flirting research. it is in a word HAPPENING. slowly and steady i am ascertaining the breadths and depths of this strange art, mostly buoyed by conversations with friends, peers, coworkers, and strangers. not flirtatious ones, to be clear!!!! but rather, discussions of the topic. a project-like form is being taken. slowly......but surely. stay tuned because the next stage of this whole debacle probably involves me asking you a lot of somewhat personal questions. for research purposes!

posting this collage as a nice reminder to myself of the little world we have created here, even when we may be traveling through it somewhat more sporadically. and only RELATIVELY more sporadically at that. it is a comfort to recognize the busy full lives of you all and the ways we might each be settling in more to our strange new realities, and the ways they become everyday.
